Other Interests

Health & Nutrition

In my younger days I was a bit of a health and fitness fanatic. I was a big fan of Precision Nutrition for a while. I now am less precise about my nutrition, but generally make some small efforts to eat healthily (some of the time!) I have also been a lacto-ovo vegetarian since 1995.

Martial Arts

In the past I have trained in both free-style martial arts and mixed martial arts. I eventually realised that, fun though it was, getting hit in the head is probably not a good idea, so I now stick to Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.


I am rather fond of middle-distance running. I try to run 10km once or twice a week, as long as it is not too hot. In 2013 I ran a marathon in about four hours, which took me a few months of intense training, and was an enlightening and difficult experience. Probably not one that I will be repeating.

Resistance Training

I try to get to the gym at least a couple of times a week.

In the past, I have done my fair share of lifting weights, and I still use weights for a few exercises, but these days I tend to incorporate a lot more body-resistance exercises such as pushups, situps, chin-ups and dips into my routine.


Swimming is not my favourite form of exercise, but it sure beats running when it is 35oC outside.